By: Yousef B. Al Osaimee
I once asked him ‘where does a seeker find freedom, Abo Mohammed?’ and before I uttered these words, his answer was ‘inside an interrogation room?’
The only thing he couldn’t stand the most was injustice, I have seen many brave men telling the truth in front of tyrants during difficult times but never braver nor more daring than Eid. His soul carried the weight of many difficult times without a complaint heard by any of his friends or relatives. "A real man’s heart is sealed" the Arabian proverb says, by God I believe it was said in Eid Al Ajeel's favor alone.
When his interrogators asked him "what is it you are really after ?" he replied that all he wants is to be able to hold his little Mohammed and sleep soundly in their homeland with no persecution what so ever, I don’t want this child of mine, this innocent, blameless child of mine to live the same life as I lived, a life of state discrimination towards its own children.
Eid is a father to two beautiful kids, and as all stateless family providers, he works really hard to provide for his own family; in this constant struggles he never relinquished his right of existence and his right to belong to this country, His right to belong to this country was reinforced by the peaceful protestations and demonstrations that Eid himself stood in, rallying people and calling them to keep order and concentrate on the just demands they are calling for peacefully while holding their grounds without backing down.
Eid’s father served in the Kuwaiti Army for 40 years, he is no new comer to the country as the government claims , Eid Al Ajeel is a stateless from the 4th generation, so to speak, known now for his patience and diligence.
More than Twenty days ago Eid was called in by the Criminal Police of the Interior Ministry of Kuwait, along with other stateless activists. His interrogators think that the reason all these people are protesting, is Eid and not the constant and ongoing violation of human rights of the stateless of Kuwait!
Eid today is sharing a cell in central jail with his peers of Kuwaiti nationals and stateless bedoon who protested peacefully last month, hence all of them are equal in this matter, they are all equal under percautional detention. The unforgivable crime of Eid Al Ajeel is that he held the flag of his country, Kuwait high in the sky and the picture of the crown prince in the face of the efforts to eliminate and marginalize his cause; a land for his son to live in as a human being with all the rights provided by international laws.
Mohammed went to sleep the night his father was arrested without the shelter and security of both his father and his homeland.
Eid is still in custody under charges of conspiring against homeland security, the evidence to this conspiracy is the Kuwaiti flag they found in his car. Little knows Eid’s jailor that Eid is now freer than ever, cause he knows that his freedom can slip through the bars of his cell.
Omar Al Mokhtar, the Libyan rebel once said by the tongue of just cause: my life is longer by far from my jailers'.
Yousef B. Al Osaimee is a stateless Kuwaiti writer and activist. He often write on bidoun issue for many news agencies. He is also himself faced many police interrogations and law suits for voicing up his stances with the bidoun community.
the original article in Arabic was published in Alaan online news agency on 23/2/2012:
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